AHOP Writing Style

Researchers working across National Centres of AHOP are to write in a particular style that is consistent with the African Health Observatory Platform (AHOP) and World Health Organisation (WHO). The AHOP’s abridged version of the full WHO editorial style manual, which draws on the abridged style guides used by WHO Africa Regional Office (AFRO) and the European Observatory on Health Systems & Policies can be downloaded below. The style guide aims to ensure correctness, consistency, impartiality, and credibility across AHOP outputs, both electronic and print, and offers guidance on avoiding the most common stylistic errors. Please, note that this guide is a living document and will be adapted as further decisions are made on AHOP style across the various outputs. It is intended to be used alongside the full WHO Style Guide. Both Guides are expected to guide persons who write across the AHOP project.

Click here to download abridged AHOP Writing Style Guide

Click here to download the broader WHO Writing Style Guide